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Undergraduate Course Offerings

Below are the course descriptions for undergraduate courses available to students in the Transportation Engineering and Science Program:

Introduction to traffic demand, transportation planning, traffic flow relationships, geometric design, transportation safety, traffic control devices, queuing analysis, and multimodal transportation.

Methods of data analysis and modeling of civil engineering systems to enhance resource allocation for specific application to problems of transportation, environmental, water resources, structural analysis materials. Emphasis on microcomputer applications.

Design, construction, operation, and maintenance of highway facilities; includes application of various engineering principles and techniques to process of planning, locating and design of highway facilities. Covers both geometric and pavement design.

Airport master planning and railroad engineering. Runway configuration, airfield capacity, geometrics, and terminal layout and design. Railroad capacity, geometics and system layout and design.

Integrating transportation engineering principles into design of multimodal transportation systems, including overview of transporation design tools often utilized in the industry. Analysis of geometric design and operations management strategies to improve safety and performance; including design for non-motorized and public transport, intelligent transportation systems, signal systems, and simulation.

Applying transportation principles to transportation operations and planning problems. Includes data collection techniques and analysis and application of transportation analysis software to model transportation systems.

Same as CE 455 with additional honors project.

The flagship campus of the University of Tennessee System and partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway.

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