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Currently, SSMC faculty fellows are advising and supporting mentor graduate and undergraduate students who participate in relevant seminars and meetings.


A research paper on exploring the Basic Safety Messages transmitted between Connected Vehicles, by Jun Liu, a fourth-year PhD student, working with Asad Khattak, was accepted for a presentation at 2015 Intelligent Transportation Systems World Congress, Bordeaux, France, 2015. This research is to create an idea of providing drivers improved warning and control assistance information through the V2V (vehicle to vehicle) or V2I (vehicle to infrastructure) applications. The core technology is to construct appropriate thresholds for identifying extreme driving moments. Extending previous studies giving cut-off points or vary threshold lines, this study creates a threshold surface for the extreme driving identification, given the driving directions can be multi-directional. More details are available from the authors.

Chart of the Evolution of Thresholds for Connected Vehicles

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