The vision for the Initiative for Sustainable Mobility (ISM) is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of transportation systems by focusing on innovative policies and operational strategies that address energy, environment, and equity considerations.
Since transportation is an essential element of social and economic activity, and because it has major impacts on the environment, on the consumption of natural resources, and on the human well-being, sustainable transportation a critically important societal concern. Sustainable transportation systems will require transformational changes in transportation infrastructure, the built environment, vehicle technology, and energy sources. Such large-scale transformations for the public good pose grand challenges for science, engineering, and public policy.
The ISM is a joint venture that leverages these strengths across several units in a focused manner. To enhance our competitiveness for new funding sources, ISM engages with various units, while tightly focusing on sustainable mobility. Notably, the Center for Transportation Research (CTR) and Institute of Sustainable and Secure Environment (ISSE) have pledged to invest matching resources. ISM initially involves experts from engineering, public policy, geography, and supply chain management. It provides collaborative opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to work with research centers, institutes, and departments in teams creating symbiotic relationships. ISM researchers pursue large-scale external projects that would not be possible without the creation of the Joint Institute. ISM resources are invested to conduct pilot studies, to demonstrate key proofs-of-concept, and to build nationally competitive cross-disciplinary teams.